MAG: Taylor Swift Depressed About Being Single, Comparing Herself to Jen Aniston

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Taylor Swift is “in a deep depression over her single status,” reports Star, which has repeatedly demonstrated that its sources are embarrassingly out of touch with the singer’s actual life.

According to the tabloid’s latest Swift insider, “She’s incredibly down. She just can’t seem to find the right guy.”

“She said, ‘I just don’t get it. Why can’t I keep a guy? I feel like I’m turning into Jennifer Aniston. It’s just so unfair.’”

Well, it’s nice that Star’s fake quote also manages to take a cheap shot at Aniston, one of the tab’s favorite targets.

The magazine’s alleged “tipster” then unloads an even phonier quote, saying, “Jared Leto ran for the hills after she chatted him up at a Golden Globes after party; Snapchat CEO Evan Spiegel hasn’t called her back after they went to a New Year’s Eve party together; and actor Douglas Booth totally brushed her off at a West Holywood bash last November.”

1. No one talks like that.

2. Every single one of the rumors rehashed by the outlet’s source is false.

Quite the achievement.

The Star source says, “Even when she puts herself out there, no one seems interested! She’s brooding and feeling incredibly down.”

Fortunately for Swift, she lives in reality, and not in the imaginary world created by the tabloid.

A source close to the situation tells Gossip Cop the report is “ridiculous” and “untrue.”

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Daniel Jacobson