How To Get Rid Of Your Winter Boyfriend/Girlfriend

Snuggle season is coming to a close. Get ready to kick those wintertime hotties to the curb.

So, you decided to get yourself a winter boyfriend or girlfriend to keep warm this winter. (After all, space heaters can't talk or laugh at your jokes... yet. Come on, space heating engineers!)

But the holidays are over and spring is just around the corner. You DO NOT want this winter bf/gf hanging around when it comes time to get a summer boyfriend/girlfriend. How do you get them out of here? Try these steps.

Hide all your warm, cozy blankets.

Hide all your warm, cozy blankets.

Cozy blankets are such a liability. Your winter bf/gf obviously loves snuggling so even if you try to call it quits, they could just hide under a blanket, or worse, suck you into a snuggle vortex.

Flickr: themessiah

Start getting tan.

Start getting tan.

The ultimate winter act of betrayal.

Flickr: themessiah

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