Gossip Of The Week: Could Justin Bieber Be Deported? – ARTICLE

First Published: January 24, 2014 3:54 PM EST Credit: Getty Images

LOS ANGELES, Calif. -- Justin Bieber performs onstage at Barclays Center of Brooklyn on August 2, 2013 in New York CityCaption Justin Bieber performs onstage at Barclays Center of Brooklyn on August 2, 2013 in New York CityIt’s quickly gaining speed — an online petition asking President Barack Obama to deport Justin Bieber and revoke the singer’s visa on the White House’s “We The People” page Friday morning.

Launched Thursday, the request currently has approximately 8,000 signatures. It still needs about 92,000 more in order to earn an official response from the White House.

Bieber was charged with driving under the influence, resisting arrest without violence and driving without a valid license after authorities saw the pop star street racing early Thursday morning, according to Miami Beach police.

WATCH: Justin Bieber — A Look At His Downward Spiral

So what are the chances the Canadian sensation will get deported from the United States? We got the lowdown from New York attorney Rebecca Rose Woodland in this week’s celebrity gossip roundup.

Access Hollywood: Justin Bieber was arrested Thursday and charged. In general, can he be deported to Canada, where he is a citizen?

Rebecca Rose Woodland: Justin Bieber cannot be deported due to an arrest. If there is a conviction that involves a felony charge and a violation of immigration laws then there would be a possibility he could be deported.

PHOTOS: Justin Bieber Across The World

Access: What are the chances that Justin Bieber will be deported?

Woodland: The chances Bieber could be deported due to this incident of driving while under the influence… slim to none.

Access: But what if Justin is convicted in his criminal case? Will that increase his chances of being deported?

Woodland: If Justin Bieber is convicted of a crime on a felony level, there would be the possibility of deportation. This crime would be a misdemeanor conviction if he even got convicted so this would not threaten his visa in the U.S.

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Access: What would it take for the authorities to drop the charges against Justin?

Woodland: The authorities could drop the charges against him if they were wrong or didn’t have credible evidence to convict. This is different than the charges being in place and them offering a plea bargain.

Access: What does it take for a person to be brought in for deportation proceedings?

Woodland: To be deported, a person here on a valid visa must have committed an aggravated felony and be convicted or be convicted of a crime that involves a breach of judgment serious enough to be considered a crime of moral turpitude.

Access: What usually happens when somebody who’s not a citizen commits a misdemeanor in the States? Are they not usually deported?

Woodland: A person who is not a citizen and here on a legal visa who commits and is convicted of a misdemeanor will normally not be deported but will have a record that will be reviewed. If he has any other criminal incidents the previous conviction can be an issue.

Access: I read somewhere that should Justin leave the country and try to return, his legal problems could prevent him from getting back into America. What’s your take on this?

Woodland: Justin is out on bail so the provisions probably prevent him from leaving the country. If he violated this rule he would be placed in jail.

WATCH: Justin Bieber Arrested — All The Details!

Access: Nobody seems to be asking about Justin’s driver’s license which is from the state of Georgia. Can his driver’s license be revoked or could the DMV deny him a renewal based on his behavior thus far?

Woodland: His driver’s license can be revoked if he is convicted of driving under the influence. That is a separate proceeding and the state of Georgia would have to commence against him.

Access: What would be your advice to somebody in Justin’s situation?

Woodland: Stay straight. Be humble. Don’t talk to anyone publicly. Turn your life around.

-- Genevieve Wong

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