CLAIM: Taylor Swift And Jared Leto Began “Love Connection” At Golden Globes

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Even though “Taylor Swift got zinged by Tina Fey and didn’t win an award,” writes RadarOnline, referring to the awards show host’s diss at the singer, “the Golden Globes weren’t a total loss” for Swift.

According to the webloid, “The perpetually lovelorn and currently single songwriter was spotted getting close to Globe winner Jared Leto at an after-party following the ceremony.”

The blog then adds fuel to the fire noting, “And first-thing Monday morning, Leto seemed to confirm rumors of a love connection when he posted his own photo of himself clasping Swift’s waist” (right and below), along with the message, “Me. Taylor Swift. Golden Globes. xo.”

So, is RadarOnline right about the “love connection”?


A source close to the situation tells Gossip Cop, “They just talked at a party.” 

That’s all.

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