26 Things That Happen When You Move To Los Angeles

Seasons? I don’t understand the question, and I won’t respond to it.

Since there are no seasons, you will lose track of time entirely.

Since there are no seasons, you will lose track of time entirely.

One minute it's been a year in L.A., and then next..five. Happy five-year anniversary to me!


Your parking spot will be a precious jewel that you dote on like a new baby.


In-N-Out will become your fast-food mecca.

In-N-Out will become your fast-food mecca.

I worship at the altar of animal-style fries. Et tu?

Flickr: 21065622@N08

You'll think about going to the beach way more often than you actually do go.

You'll think about going to the beach way more often than you actually do go.

Flickr: nickstone333

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