23 Reasons You Wish Danny Castellano Were Your Boyfriend

The dancingggggg. Among other reasons you’re totally in love with The Mindy Project ‘s babeliest grump.

He's a completely lovable crank.

He's a completely lovable crank.

(That rare breed of good-hearted grump, so abundant on TV, so exotic in real life!)

Fox / Via upsydownsy.tumblr.com

His smiles may be rare, but they are genuine, magnificent gifts.

His smiles may be rare, but they are genuine, magnificent gifts.

Fox / Via headoverfeels.com

He knows that TV time is no time for deep conversation.

He knows that TV time is no time for deep conversation.

Fox / Via wifflegif.com

He's thought about emoji, and he's got some opinions.

He's thought about emoji, and he's got some opinions.

Fox / Via themindyanddannyproject.tumblr.com

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