16 Problems Only Invisible People Will Understand

How did Harry Potter make it look so cool?

You have to wave at someone for what seems like an hour before they see you.

You have to wave at someone for what seems like an hour before they see you.

Via mrwgifs.com

Seriously, you have to try really hard to get people's attention.

Seriously, you have to try really hard to get people's attention.

Via gifbin.com

And when you finally do, they introduce themselves to you for the 6th time that year.

And when you finally do, they introduce themselves to you for the 6th time that year.

Via panananapananana.tumblr.com

You tend to hear "Oh, I didn't see you there" more often than not.

You tend to hear "Oh, I didn't see you there" more often than not.

Via adele.wikia.com

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