14 Things You Didn’t Even Realize You Stopped Doing

There’s a place with free books and movies? What is it called again? Library?

Booking airline tickets on the phone.

Booking airline tickets on the phone.

Although you can still call, most of us book our flights online. That is until a flight is canceled, and everyone thinks they'll outsmart their fellow fliers by calling the airline directly. Have fun waiting on hold since there aren't as many operators anymore!

Colombia Pictures / Via hilobrow.com

Watching live TV.

Watching live TV.

Unless it's sports, and even then DVR-ing saves you the trouble of accidentally coming across that sad Sarah McLachlan animal commercial.

Via wifflegif.com

Buying an actual copy of an album.

Buying an actual copy of an album.

Not that you would have anything to play it on, since you just bought that Bluetooth speaker system, amirite?

Via Flickr: 45414965@N05

Using fax machines.

Using fax machines.

Like the McRib, I thought fax machines had gone extinct in the '80s. I was wrong on both accounts.

20th Century fox / Via olivethepeople.com

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