14 Of The Most Baffling Journalist Requests Ever

“I need a confirmed picture of a unicorn and I need it before 5pm.”

All those press releases, all the time, plus the follow-up "Did you get my press release?" phone calls? Give us a break. But it's not as if journalists don't come up with the occasional unreasonable request themselves, many of them made on the #journorequest hashtag on Twitter.

There's the speculative, but very specific request.

There's the speculative, but very specific request.

Shutterstock.com / Via Twitter: @benettooth

They can get very specific.

They can get very specific.

Shutterstock.com / Via Twitter: @caro_mad

Journalists can be perfectionists, you see.

Journalists can be perfectionists, you see.

"I want gourmet haunted hotels, not just any haunted hotel!"

Flickr: smemon - Creative Commons licence / Via Twitter: @UKtraveleditor

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