Duck Dynasty Should Be Canceled, Says PETA — See Statement Here

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PETA is joining the backlash against “Duck Dynasty” in the wake of star Phil Robertson’s comments about homosexuality and race.

As Gossip Cop previously reported, the duck hunter has been suspended from the A&E series after telling GQ he believes being gay is a “sin,” and compared it to bestiality.

On Thursday, in a statement provided to Gossip Cop, PETA says it “wants A&E to do more than suspend one of the characters on ’Duck Dynasty’ for damning gays.”

It continues:

“We call on the channel to challenge the entire crew of duck slayers to ignore Sarah Palin’s self-serving slap on the back for spewing hate speech and deny that they are as anti-gay as they are anti-animal. All people who consider themselves followers of Christ should follow all His teachings—and that includes showing mercy, compassion, and kindness to all of God’s creation, human and nonhuman alike. What’s ‘sinful’ is hating people and animals. PETA asks everyone who consider themselves to be Christian to reject hate speech and call for this show’s cancellation.” 

The show, however, is not without its supporters.

A number of conservative pundits have defended Robertson and his remarks, while fans have started a “IStandWithPhil” petition to get him back on the show.

What do you think of the growing controversy?

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