CNN’s Don Lemon Demonstrates “Knockout Game” With Black Belt Rabbi in Segment

Well, this is just bizarre! A former New York police officer turned rabbi held CNN anchor Don Lemon in a headlock during an on-air demonstration of the "knockout game" on Tuesday, Dec. 3.

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The ambush-style, sucker-punch "knockout" assaults have become a major topic of concern in cities across America; hence, Lemon's live demo. The anchor, 47, was joined by a suit-clad "black belt rabbi" Gary Moskowitz, former known as "Rambowitz," who demonstrated on Lemon how to defend against a surprise, sneak attack from behind.

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The rabbi presented several defense moves on the dressed-down newscaster, including a shoulder lock and headlock. "These are all physics tricks," the rabbi said as he gripped Lemon in an uncomfortable position.

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While Tuesday's demo was staged, Lemon famously got into a Twitter spat with Jonah Hill last year, after the anchor called out the actor for a hotel run-in of sorts. The CNN personality called Hill "a tool" and "rude," while the 21 Jump Street star fired back by calling Lemon a "12 year old girl. Peace."'s Latest Videos