22 Amazing Hidden Gems To Uncover In Hawaii

It’s not just long walks on the beach…

The Surfboard Fence

The Surfboard Fence

Why It's Awesome: Donald Dettloff's surfboard fence started in 1990 when he heard a hurricane was approaching and wired his boards together to keep them from blowing away. Instead of taking it down when the weather had cleared, he decided to keep it up and continue adding boards. Now he has 647 different surfboards, displayed around his property in Haiku, Maui, which earned him a Guinness World Record for the largest collection of surfboards.
Accessibility: The fence is on Kaupakalua Road and can't be missed.

Flickr: kw_traveller

Moiliili Underground Caves

Moiliili Underground Caves

Why It's Awesome: The neighborhood of Moiliili, Oahu, sits over cavernous limestone caves, which are said to be dark, cramped, and filled with water. The limestone base was formed from an old coral reef, and rainwater caused it to erode creating caves.
Accessibility: The caves are accessible, but good luck getting anyone to tell you where there's an entrance. Additionally, the quality of the air and water in the caves is poor and possibly hazardous.


Redwood Trail

Redwood Trail

Why It's Awesome: Over the course of three decades beginning in 1927, the USDA Forest Service planted 130,000 redwood trees across the Hawaiian Islands. The trees were planted to reestablish watershed ruined from logging in the 1800s, and were used before native conservation was prioritized. Even though the trees are not as tall as those in California, their growth in the warm climate, cool mists, and high elevations of the islands is still awe-inspiring.
Accessibility: Redwood Trail is accessed from Maui's Polipoli Spring State Recreation Area.

Flickr: tslaks82

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