And then there’s you.
The Overachiever.
Defining Traits: This person is president, chair, captain, or founder of every club they're in. And they're in sixteen clubs.
You're Friends Because: Being around them is like being around a human pep-talk. They make you want to step up your game.
Catchphrase: "Sorry, gotta run to a meeting."
Fox / Via
The Genuine Academic.
Defining Traits: They have read more books than you've seen in your whole life... Not because it's assigned, but because they're interested in the world.
You're Friends Because: Let's be real. Without them around to explain things to you, you'd be an idiot.
Catchphrase: "Yeah, The Atlantic had a story about it last month."
Warner Bros. / Via
The Musical Theatre Kid.
Defining Traits: The only thing more overwhelming than their incredible Broadway-caliber talent is their incessant Facebook invites.
You're Friends Because: Interacting with this person is like being hit by a ball of positive energy and sunshine and song.
Catchphrase: "Get tickets now, they're selling out fast!"
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