Sick Days When You’re 8 Vs. Sick Days When You’re 28

All sick days are not created equal.

When you are 8: You wait in bed for your mom/dad to take your temperature

When you are 8: You wait in bed for your mom/dad to take your temperature

Of course, when I was 8, parents didn't use iPhones to do this. / Via

When you are 28: You don't even bother to take your temperature; You know you're sick because you feel like shit.

When you are 28: You don't even bother to take your temperature; You know you're sick because you feel like shit. / Via

When you are 8: Your mom/dad calls the school for you while you get some much-needed sleep.

When you are 8: Your mom/dad calls the school for you while you get some much-needed sleep. / Via

When you are 28: You drag yourself out of bed to call your boss, making sure to sound extra sick so they don't think you're lying. Your boss thinks you're lying anyway and chews you out.

When you are 28: You drag yourself out of bed to call your boss, making sure to sound extra sick so they don't think you're lying. Your boss thinks you're lying anyway and chews you out.

Yay real job! / Via

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