Proof That No One Watches Porn On Christmas

Do people watch more or less porn on Christmas? PornHub crunched its traffic numbers for holidays and world events.

(This cat is watching cat porn.)

Flickr: peasap

As you might expect, Americans watch less porn on Thanksgiving Day than a normal day. But sure enough, as soon as the tryptophan wears off and Black Friday starts, they're right back at it.

The popular free porn site put together an interactive infographic that shows worldwide traffic on different holidays and world events.

It turns out that the people of Boston refrained from viewing porn significantly during the 2013 Superbowl — a game their team wasn't even in — than the people of England during the Royal Wedding. I don't know if that says more about Boston or British people.

Some of the interesting highlights below:

iPad 1 release date

iPad 1 release date

Superbowl 2013 (Baltimore Ravens vs. San Francisco 49ers)

Superbowl 2013 (Baltimore Ravens vs. San Francisco 49ers)

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