MSNBC Suspends Alec Baldwin’s Late-Night Show

Alec Baldwin's caught-on-camera use of homophobic slurs hasn't gone unnoticed by MSNBC.

On Friday, the network suspended Up Late With Alec Baldwin for two weeks following the actions of the host and 30 Rock actor over the past several days. Baldwin's late night show had premiered only a month ago, on October 11.

"I did not intend to hurt or offend anyone with my choice of words, but clearly I have – and for that I am deeply sorry," Baldwin said in a statement. "Words are important. I understand that, and will choose mine with great care going forward. What I said and did this week, as I was trying to protect my family, was offensive and unacceptable. Behavior like this undermines hard-fought rights that I vigorously support. I understand Up Late will be taken off the schedule for tonight and next week."

On Thursday, TMZ published a video showing the actor hurling gay slurs at a photographer who had been in a confrontation with Baldwin. The video was widely-circulated online and the host's language drew criticism and wide condemnation, including from gay-rights advocacy group GLAAD. 

Baldwin has since admitted using one slur in the incident and apologized on Twitter for causing offense. 

He reiterated that apology on Friday: "I want to apologize to my loyal fans and to my colleagues at MSNBC – both for my actions and for distracting from their good work. Again, please accept my apology."

MSNBC said the weekly discussion show, which airs Friday during the 10 p.m. hour, will return on Nov. 29. Guests on the show have included New York Mayor Bill De Blasio and actress Debra Winger.

Erik Hayden