If You Only Watch One Safety Video About Deep Frying A Turkey, Make It William Shatner’s Autotuned Rap

“I want a deep fried turkey. I want a moister, tastier turkey.”

This is William Shatner peering into a deep fryer during his cautionary 2011 video for State Farm on how to safely deep fry a turkey on Thanksgiving.

This is William Shatner peering into a deep fryer during his cautionary 2011 video for State Farm on how to safely deep fry a turkey on Thanksgiving.

Via youtube.com

Using incredible special effects, he explains how to avoid this happening to you.

Using incredible special effects, he explains how to avoid this happening to you.

Via youtube.com

You won't be able to get, "I want a deep fried turkey. I want a moister, tastier turkey," out of your head.


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