9 Other Massive White Collar Criminal Fines Over The Years

Now that SAC Capital is facing a steep penalty of nearly $2 billion, these other white collar offenders are probably counting their pennies and breathing a (slight) sigh of relief.

Steve Marcus / Reuters

SAC Capital has settled with the U.S. justice department, pleading guilty to five counts of insider trading resulting in the largest white collar fine in history — a staggering $1.8 billion.

The fine includes $616 million SAC paid earlier this year on insider trading charges, and an ongoing Securities and Exchange Commission investigation is looking into wrongdoing at Steven Cohen's wildly successful hedge fund.

While the SAC settlement shatters records, these nine cases before it carried heft penalties for the white collar offenders involved, many of them in the last five years. Here's a look at some of the largest white collar settlements in history and the wrongdoing behind them, a group racking up a total of more than $3.9 billion in penalties.

John Gara / BuzzFeed

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