We should all read these ASAP.
Guide To Getting It On! A Book About The Wonders Of Sex by Paul Joannides and Gröss Daerick Sr.
WHY: This is the 7th edition of a book bigger than your head that covers the basics and has chapters ranging from how to have sex when you move back in with your parents to how to separate porn from reality. And every section has humorous drawings to make everything seem less daunting.
Via amazon.com
Sex at Dawn: How We Mate, Why We Stray, and What It Means for Modern Relationships by Christopher Ryan and Cacilda Jetha
WHY: It's an anthropological examination on marriage and monogamy, which questions many of the "norms" we've set up in society. It'll also make you feel more normal when you're the only single person left in your group of friends.
Via amazon.com
She Comes First: The Thinking Man's Guide to Pleasuring a Woman by Ian Kerner
WHY: Organized like Strunk and White's Elements of Style (seriously), this guide de-mystifies the female orgasm for men and is responsible for allegedly improving many a dull sex life. There's also a version for understanding the male orgasm, published after the massive success of this one. And even though it's targeted at straight couples, there's tons of information that is applicable to couples of all orientations.
Via amazon.com
Masters and Johnson on Sex and Human Loving by William H. Masters, Virginia E. Johnson and Robert C. Kolodny
WHY: Cheesy cover aside, this book was revolutionary because it challenged previous theories of sex (such as Freud's) and introduced the four stage model of sexual response (excitement, plateau, orgasm, resolution) and addressed homosexuality, gender roles and methods of birth control, making it still incredibly relevant as well as historically fascinating.
Via amazon.com