Actors and athletes sometimes get it into their heads that they should become pop singers. And they should just stop. STOP. STAHP. Please.
1. Paris Hilton
I'm glad this sex tape star wants to do something better with her life. Oh I know, lets have her start grinding on a kid's bed while he fantasizes about you. Ew, gross. No. This is a joke right? Did she really think that was going to work out for her?
2. Jennifer Love Hewitt
Ok, I'll admit it. Jennifer Love Hewitt is adorable. But shes kinda like the little sister who is trying a bit too hard to make this seem normal. It just feels a little off.
3. Bruce Willis
This is actually awesome is a way only the 80's can provide.
4. Mr. T
When Mr. T tells you to treat your mother right, you listen! I pity the fool who tells a "yo mama jokes" in front of him.