The Shocking Reality Of The World’s Strongest Beers

How many “regular” beers does it take to get the same punch as these monsters? The answers might surprise you.

Flickr: donkeyhotey

According to, the following are the planet's most potent beers with the highest ABVs (alcohol by volume) on record.

According to , the following are the planet's most potent beers with the highest ABVs (alcohol by volume) on record.

How do they get so strong? Fractional freezing is how.

How do they get so strong? Fractional freezing is how.

Since alcohol freezes at a lower temperature than water, what fractional freezing does is get beer cool enough to freeze some of the water in it. Brewers can then scoop out the ice solids, thus leaving behind a more concentrated alcoholic liquid.


Just be warned: These beers are not for chugging. They are for tasting, and drinking a whole one is not advised and could lead to this:

Just be warned: These beers are not for chugging. They are for tasting, and drinking a whole one is not advised and could lead to this:

Also, some of these can be can be more than 1800 calories a bottle, just so you know.

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