Captain Shepard was the Lothario(a) of the entire Galaxy. If you were on his/her ship, you were fair game. However, which relationship was most likely to stand the test of time?
Dishonorable Mention - Kaidan Alenko
Cons - Kaidan is boring, a killjoy and basically takes all the fun out of romance.
Pros - Popular consensus appears to agree that Kaidan has a nice ass.
Final result - I'm sorry Kaidan, but I will let you die every single time.
10. Ashley Williams
Cons- Kinda sorta a racist, a bit clingy and prone to unpleasant outbursts.
Pros - Been there since the beginning, loyal and accepts you for who you are.
Final result - That girl you hooked up with on a school trip on the back of the bus only to learn she had a huge problem with you living in "the city."
9. Samara
Pros- Tuned into her feelings, has a lot of experience and understands that Shepard has to be Shepard.
Cons- Who?
Final result - Samara
8. Jacob Taylor
Pros - Stalwart, a pillar for Shepard to rely upon and a decently good guy.
Cons - CHEATER!!!!!!
Final Result- Jacob is your permanent backup and locked safely within the "friend" box though he wants something more.