Truth rating: 0
6:58 pm, October 17th, 2013

“Blake Shelton Parties With Hot Blonde Who’s NOT His Wife, Miranda Lambert,” shrieks a headline on RadarOnline, which is going to great lengths to create a scandal.
The webloid’s sister outlet, the National Enquirer, has regularly embarrassed itself with phony stories about the couple’s alleged problems, and now RadarOnline apparently wants in on the action.
According to the blog, Shelton “cozied up to a hot blonde actress” during Usher’s 35th birthday party at Bootsy Bellows in Los Angeles on Monday.
“Shelton spent time chatting and posing for pics with blonde actress Lindsey Sporrer as the party raged around them,” reports RadarOnline. “In fact, the couple spent so much together that Usher even posted a pic of the two of them on his own Instagram!”
Sporrer also posted a picture with Shelton (see above).
That’s pretty much it.
They talked at a party, in front of lots of people, and it was so OBVIOUSLY NON-ROMANTIC that Sporrer and Usher didn’t think twice about posting pictures.
Oh, and Shelton left the party alone.
But that didn’t stop RadarOnline from implying that more might be going on between them with its headline — “Blake Shelton Parties With Hot Blonde Who’s NOT His Wife” — and closing with the line, “Shelton and Lambert have faced rumors of trouble in their marriage for several months, with some reports claiming that Lambert has strayed, and other [sic] blaming Shelton’s wandering eye for the couple’s tension.”
THIS is where those bogus “rumors of trouble” start.
A source close to Shelton tells Gossip Cop the story is all “lies.”
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