Kim Kardashian’s Baby North West Might Be Fake, Says MediaTakeOut

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MediaTakeOut is once again making absurd allegations about North West, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West’s infant daughter.

The outlet’s new headline screams, “KIM KARDASHIAN BABY SCANDAL!!! New Baby Pics Have People Wondering… Is North West REAL?????”

Um… what?!

According to the webloid, which recently made up a story about North being “digitally darkened” in a photograph, the new baby picture that Kardashian released on Friday “caused a mini scandal amongst keen eyed observers.”

No, it did not.

MediaTakeOut made up the mini scandal, which did not exist until it posted this ludicrous story.

The webloid seems to think that the new pic of little North is actually a couple of months old, and that somehow it all means that Kardashian is leading a conspiracy about the real nature of her daughter.

“It seems a bit strange that a mom would have a TWO MONTH old pic of her daughter on her screen saver, given how quickly babys change at that age,” babbles MediaTakeOut, oblivious to both reality and spell check.

The blog adds, “Some folks on the internet are beginning to wonder whether North is in fact REAL.”

No, no one is wondering that.

We’re mostly just wondering how an outlet this ridiculously clueless, which so frequently posts embarrassingly wrong “exclusives” about the Kardashians –prompting West to call them out — manages to outdo its own absurdity so often.

It’s yet another 100 percent false story from MediaTakeOut, which doesn’t understand how babies work.

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