Jessica Simpson Shares Four Life Lessons She Wants Her Kids to Learn

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Jessica Simpson shares four things “I want my kids to know” in a new guest blog post for Parents, and opens up about how her public pregnancies now affect her parenting.

“My pregnancy with Maxwell, specifically because she is a girl, made me realize that I wouldn’t be able to protect her from everything I had been through as a woman,” writes Simpson.

She says that her pregnancies ”were well documented and my struggles with my weight and body image have played out in front of the world. As hard as that has been, the hardest part is to realize that with all the hurtful and harsh criticism from others, I have been the hardest on myself.”

Simpson acknowledges that having a daughter has made her self-conscious about self-criticism, especially when it comes to weight issues.

“Raising Maxwell makes me realize that I don’t want her to see me beat myself up for things like food choices or numbers on a scale,” writes Simpson. “I don’t want her to learn anything like that from me.”

She continues, “Those things don’t determine who we are and instead make us feel terrible about ourselves. I want to teach her to value herself, listen to herself and tune out the world.

“I want her to know her value, rather than spending her energy fighting negative voices from within,” says Simpson. “I want to teach her to figure out what is truly right for her rather than worrying about what anyone else thinks.”

As for the four things she hopes to teach both Maxwell and new son Ace, she summarizes:

  • Build a great support system. A strong family and wonderful friends keep me headed in the right direction every day!

  • Learn to accept compliments as graciously as you give them. Don’t dismiss them – soak up the positivity and give it back as often as you can!

  • Find a partner who really supports and listens to you in the good times and the bad.

  • Be original. The world will try to fit you into a mold, but carve your own path.

    What do you think about Simpson’s advice?

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