19 Cookbooks That Will Improve Your Life

The world’s best chefs and food writers recommend the greatest books you should cook through, start to finish.

There's something about the idea of cooking through an entire cookbook that's very appealing. Like you're going to culinary school for $30. The best-known example is Julie & Julia, née The Julie/Julia Project, which left both Mastering the Art of French Cooking and the whole cook-the-book concept feeling a little overexposed. But many of the most talented chefs of our era — Alice Waters, Tom Colicchio, Alton Brown — started out learning a single cookbook front to back. BuzzFeed asked them and other food celebs to pick one they'd recommend cooking through and explain why. If you're a fan of one of these people, getting to know the cookbook that informed their dedication to food will be fascinating.

THE BOOK: La Technique: An Illustrated Guide to the Fundamental Techniques of Cooking, 1976, Jacques Pepin.

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