Rocko’s Modern Life : 28 and Single.
Clarissa: Clarissa Explains It All
I guarantee you that we all believed, in our adolescence, that we were as fly and awesome as Clarissa. Her only flaw is that she exaggerates literally every life problem. The great thing is though is that we all think this way. Tell me honestly that you didn't care at all when Jake asked another girl to your 8th grade dance. No, the world was crumbing all around you. But like all of us eventually learned to do, Clarissa soldiered through and [eventually became a teenage witch].
Sam "The Squid" Dullard: Rocket Power
Admit it, if you're reading internet lists in your spare time you definitely have more in common with "The Squid" than Otto, Reggie or Twister (hint: you/we are kinda nerdy). But that is a compliment for "The Squid" was the absolute man. Brains, Brawn and unshakable goalie skills. He also probably ended up founding some big tech company in Silicon Valley. #NoShoobies #WoogidyWoogidyWoogidy
Also, shout out to Uncle Tito for making into the .gif #AlohaToThat
Dagget Beaver: Angery Beavers
There are times in our life where things don't go as we planned. Times when stress builds and we, to varying degrees, "snap"/"loose it"/go crazy. Enter Daggett Beaver. This guy, as loveable as he is, was a crazy manic character. Now, being Daggett Beaver a few hours before your big Civ Pro final or work deadline is never a good thing. However, take solace in the fact that there is a little invention called Adderall and/or Xanax that will love you unconditionally forever.
Debbie Thornberry: The Wild Thornberrys
If we all went through a Clarissa phase, we also all went through a Debbie phase. Remember when it was cool to hate the world, our family, everything outside of our own existence?