Taylor Swift Cast in David Beckham Movie The Secret Spy, Says Tab

Truth rating: 0

(The Mirror)

Taylor Swift lands role in spy movie The Secret Service alongside David Beckham,” reads the headline of a piece in The Mirror, which goes to warn that ”Victoria Beckham might want to keep a close eye on her man.”

According to the British tab, the film — from director Matthew Vaughn –is “a 21st Century 007,” and Swift has been cast as a woman who “escapes after being kidnapped by a villain,” played by Samuel L. Jackson.

The paper’s so-called “production source” says Vaughn “looked at a number of actresses to play the part before settling on Taylor – apparently she was a natural on the big screen.”

The “source” says Swift’s appeal is that she’s “someone fresh and unseen in Hollywood terms,” and notes she will be “required to have some heavy-duty martial arts training in order that her character convincingly kick[s] Samuel L. Jackson’s butt.”

Swift not only “cannot wait” for her “biggest challenge” yet professionally, says The Mirror, but she is “also looking forward to working with David Beckham whom she thinks is amazing looking.”

What an interesting and… TOTALLY WRONG story.

A source close to the singer assured Gossip Cop the casting claim is “completely untrue.”

Swift will NOT be in The Secret Service.

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