Is It Now OK To Laugh At The Assassination Of JFK?

This new commercial via France is betting on it.

The commercial is for PMU, a French online betting and gambling website.

It has been 49 years, 291 days since Lee Harvey Oswald or the CIA or Cuban Communists or the mafia or the Military Industrial Complex destroyed Camelot.

I have a pretty dark sense of humor, but I think this spot may be stepping over the line just a smidge — mainly because an unseen subsequent image of this Dealey Plaza scenario ad is the exploded head of President John F. Kennedy, an image many of us have now seen.

What do you think, dear sensitive BuzzFeed reader?

The spot is probably only airing on French TV, but as of today, it's airing all over the world on YouTube.

My critique of the ad simply as an ad is: The joke is forced, not that funny, and doesn't tie back to product well at all.

A second less-disturbing commercial makes light of the Titanic disaster.

Ad agency: Publicis Conseil, Paris.

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