“Good Will Batman” Is The Mash-Up That You Need And Deserve Right Now

Comedian Pete Holmes plays Ben Affleck as Batman in this hilarious re-cut trailer for Good Will Hunting . NSFW language.

Pete Holmes, who achieved internet fame for playing Batman in a series of College Humor videos, plays the role of Ben-Affleck-As-Batman.

Pete Holmes, who achieved internet fame for playing Batman in a series of College Humor videos , plays the role of Ben-Affleck-As-Batman.

BuzzFeed / Ellie Hall

Everything about this mash-up is perfect, from the "critical responses."

Everything about this mash-up is perfect, from the "critical responses."

BuzzFeed / Ellie Hall

To its recreation of some of Good Will Hunting's famous scenes.

To its recreation of some of Good Will Hunting 's famous scenes.

BuzzFeed / Ellie Hall

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