Celebrities With Miley Cyrus’ Tongue

These pictures may give you nightmares for days. Apologies in advance.

Drake with Miley's tongue:

Drake with Miley's tongue:

Colin Douglas Gray / Who Stole Miley's Tongue / Via whostolemileystongue.tumblr.com

Michelle Obama with Miley's tongue:

Michelle Obama with Miley's tongue:

Colin Douglas Gray / Who Stole Miley's Tongue / Via whostolemileystongue.tumblr.com

Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez with Miley's tongue:

Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez with Miley's tongue:

Colin Douglas Gray / Who Stole Miley's Tounge / Via whostolemileystongue.tumblr.com

Jay Z with Miley's tongue:

Jay Z with Miley's tongue:

Colin Douglas Gray / Who Stole Miley's Tongue / Via whostolemileystongue.tumblr.com

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