Angelina Jolie Fears She Will Die in Three Years, Says Magazine

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Angelina Jolie fears she has as little as three years to live and has secretly drawn up a ‘bucket list’ of goals to complete before she dies,” claims the National Enquirer.

According to the tabloid’s “sources,” the actress is “convinced” that maladies including her family’s cancer history “will end her life prematurely.”

Despite her preventive double mastectomy surgery earlier this year, Jolie thinks “she’s only got three to five years left,” say supposed “insiders” for the Enquirer.

“Angelina is trying to live her life to the fullest because she feels deep down that she doesn’t have much time left,” explains one of the magazine’s sources. “She’s going to do everything she can to prolong her life but really believes she won’t even reach her mid-forties.”

Let’s pause here to reflect on the Enquirer’s shameful and embarrassingly wrong history of reporting on Jolie’s health.

Back in 2011, the magazine falsely alleged that she had slipped to 93 pounds and was addicted to diet pills.

The following year, the tabloid falsely alleged that she was showing signs of hepatitis C and in need of a liver transplant.

Last April, the Enquirer falsely alleged that a “skeletal” Jolie had allegedly “collapsed” in Africa.

In July, the outlet falsely alleged that she had “shriveled to 92 pounds” and that Brad Pitt was terrified “she’ll die.”

Over and over, the National Enquirer makes outrageous and patently false allegations about Angelina Jolie’s health.

So when the tabloid insists that she’s currently planning her “final days” with Pitt and her children, supposedly “convinced” that her “cancer nightmare” will end her life shortly, it’s coming from an outlet whose “sources” are clueless.

A source close to the situation tells Gossip Cop the latest Enquirer report is “absurd” and “wrong.”

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