Selfie sensation Benny Winfield Jr. offers his pro tips on how to become Instagram famous.
Benny Winfield, 37, of Houston, Texas chatted with BuzzFeed about how all it takes is an idea, a winning smile, and a little help from a slightly creeped-out magazine editor to conquer the Instagram game.
Be Different
"When I first looked at Instagram I didn't see anything original. Everyone was just trying to be like celebrities. Doing what they're doing doesn't separate or distinguish you. So I thought what if I just do this, just put out pictures of myself. You don't see that regularly on Instagram."
Always Be Entertaining
"Pictures of yourself are entertaining. And I always smile. The smile in every photo is a planned thing."
Interact With Your Fans
"I always respond to my fans and tell them I appreciate the love. And if you're getting rude comments or good comments, it's a good thing. That's what you want, people to talk about you. The negative comments don't ever bother me."