A “coffee jelly” Frappuccino? Yes, please.
There's a secret size that's not on the menu: the 8-ounce "short" cup.
It's what kids' hot chocolate is served in, but you can order any drink on the menu in a "short" size. (It's probably not listed in order to tempt you to order larger, more expensive drinks.)
Starbucks owns Teavana.
Starbucks purchased the Atlanta-based tea chain in late 2012 for $620 million cash. The company is seeking to place Teavana stores in non-mall locations, as well as to install Starbucks-like "tea bars" inside the stores where customers can order handcrafted tea beverages.
The average Starbucks customer visits the store six times a month.
The most loyal 20% of customers, however, go to Starbucks at least 16 times per month.
The original name was Pequod's.
Pequod is the name of the whaling ship in Moby-Dick; the partners eventually settled on Starbucks instead, after the name of Pequod's first mate.