11 Foods Climate Change Could Ruin Forever

Your grandchildren might grow up in a world of squishy apples and NO COFFEE. Pray for them.

Chocolate will get more expensive.

Chocolate will get more expensive.

Higher temperatures could continue to hurt yields of cocoa farmers in Africa (cocoa is a highly heat-sensitive crop) and have already caused big swings in the price of cocoa over the past decade. The less cocoa there is on the market, the more it costs chocolate manufacturers — and, eventually, you. Get ready for $5 candy bars, y'all.


Apples will get mushier.

Apples will get mushier.

Rising temperatures mean that trees flower earlier in the season and fruit is softer and sweeter by harvest time. That's not necessarily the worst thing in the world, but this study of Japanes Fuji apples shows that over the past 40 years they've already gotten significantly less tart and crunchy (which, after all, is what every good apple should be).

Of course, there's also the possibility that apples might just stop growing altogether.


A good beer will be hard to find.

A good beer will be hard to find.

A 2008 study in Nature showed that dryer, hotter summers are already hurting hops plants in Europe, and brewers in the U.S. could eventually have to deal with similar problems. The outlook for barley and clean water — the other two essential ingredients for making beer — isn't so hot, either.

Elaine Thompson / AP

Fish will start to disappear.

Fish will start to disappear.

Studies show that ocean temperatures are already causing fish species all over the world to migrate north from their normal stomping grounds, and research by the National Resource Defense Council suggests that cold-water fish like trout and salmon in the U.S. could lose as much as 38% of their habitat (cold rivers and streams) by the year 2090. Changes like these are on top of the already-serious population pressure overfishing has put on many wild fish species.

Matt Cardy / Getty Images

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