New York Cab Driver Who Maimed Tourist Blames Cyclist

“I personally feel that if that man on the bike didn’t bang on my car, maybe this would not have happened,” said Mohammed Faysal Himon, 24, who was responsible for the accident on Tuesday that left one tourist with a severed leg. He faces no criminal charges.

On Tuesday a taxi driver lost control of his car and jumped the curb near Rockefeller Center, severing the legs of a British tourist who was sitting down and eating a hot dog.

On Tuesday a taxi driver lost control of his car and jumped the curb near Rockefeller Center, severing the legs of a British tourist who was sitting down and eating a hot dog.

Brendan Mcdermid / Reuters

The city wastes a lot of money by giving them all these bike lanes, and for what? Honestly, I have no problem with bikers. They should just stay in their lane and I'll stay in mine.

He told the Post in detail what happened on Tuesday:

He was in my way and I got upset, so I gave him notice that I wanted to pass through. He started pounding on my car with his hands and was yelling things at me. I suddenly felt like I had to get out of there. It was becoming a bad situation. So I accelerated to get in front of him... I don't know how, but I just lost control of the car. I was in shock. When I crashed, I didn't even see the lady. At first, I didn't think I hit anyone, then I saw her foot by my car. I can't get it out of my mind... I personally feel that if that man on the bike didn't bang on my car, maybe this would not have happened.

The cyclist was this man, Kenneth Olivo, 40. Olivio has 22 arrests on his record — including a recent bust for threatening to decapitate a man.

The cyclist was this man, Kenneth Olivo, 40. Olivio has 22 arrests on his record — including a recent bust for threatening to decapitate a man.

"You don't know who you are messing with! I will stab you! I will decapitate you! I will kill you and your family!" Olivo told a man in a McDonald's on Sixth Ave. on April 28. / NYPost

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