New UK Immigration Ad Campaign Heavily Criticized

The Immigration Office would like you to “ask about going home.” And, they’re not subtle about it.

Inside an immigration office.

Inside an immigration office.


Another photo. "Ask about going home" on every chair.

Another photo. "Ask about going home" on every chair.

Via Glsagow, Scotland.


Scottish politicians are calling the posters — part of a continuing campaign via The UK Home Office — "shameful" and "xenophobic." Some critics even suggested that the "go home" wording was reminiscent of racist slogans from the 1970s, according to The Guardian.

The posters (and chair stickers) have been up in immigration reporting centers in Glasgow and Hounslow in west London all of August, and and will stay up until October 4th. Not pictured is an airplane-shaped poster suspended from the ceiling carrying the words: "Let us help you go home."

The posters are part of wider campaign started earlier this month in London via ominous signboard vans (photo below) sporting the message: "In the UK illegally? Go home or face arrest."

After facing a legal challenge, the Home Office stopped the van campaign, and said they would consult with local communities before trying it again.

"106 arrests last week in your area" (asterisk).

"106 arrests last week in your area" (asterisk).


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