With Breaking Bad's final premiere just days away, AMC has unveiled a quick and easy way to catch up on the series.
Breaking Bad – All Bad Things is a digital comic book which takes readers through the journey of Walter White (Bryan Cranston) from milk toast chemistry teacher to meth kingpin.
To create the work, AMC's digital team collaborated with members of Breaking Bad creator Vince Gilligan's writing staff to hit the key moments in the series. The project also recruited artist Steve Ellis, who previously provided art for two Breaking Bad digital games.
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"We were trying to come up with a bunch of different strategies for people to refresh their memories to catch up, to make sure they’re fully up to speed on everything for the final episodes," Mac McKean, senior vice president of digital media for AMC, tells The Hollywood Reporter.
They book-end the comic with an iconic scene from last year's finale, which sees Walt and Skyler staring at a pile of money. The question "how much is enough" hangs in there air.
Though the comic book features narration from Walt – which is not a part of the show – all the scenes in the comic come directly from the AMC hit. It's stirctly a way for fans to catch up, say its creators, not a vehicle to expand upon the show's mythology.
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"We want readers to re-experience what Walt has been through, to kind of help them get a feel for Walt’s character in a quick way," says McKean. "It’s such an amazing show and such a powerful show – and each episode is so well done and it’s so overwhelming, hopefully in this comic we allow you to see the whole thing.”
The cover features a number of Easter eggs, including Hector's bell and Saul's card.To read the free comic, head over to AMC's website. For more ways to catch up before the premiere, check out THR's top five ways to prepare for the finale.
Breaking Bad returns Sunday at 9 p.m. ET on AMC.
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