Whose Big Brother games have come to an end?
[Warning: Spoilers ahead for Thursday's double eviction.]
Candice Stewart was Head of Household GinaMarie Zimmerman's initial target this week, but following Jessie Kowalski's Power of Veto win — which forced GinaMarie to put up Spencer Clawson as a replacement nominee — there was a very real possibility that the target could have shifted to Amanda Zuckerman.
The CBS broadcast showed some major game play, led by Jessie, in an effort to turn the tables on Amanda — seen as a major power player in the game. But that ultimately amounted to nothing. By a landslide vote, Candice (clad in a Clownitard) was voted out of the game — making her the first member of the jury. To say her eviction speech was memorable was an understatement, with Candice and GinaMarie going at it — causing Chen to jump in several times and nominee Spencer quipping: "That's a tough act to follow."
"Wow that was some exchange," Julie Chen said in Candice's post-eviction interview. "I felt like the game got very personal this week," Candice explained when Chen asked about why she targeted GinaMarie in her eviction plea. She also admitted that it was "difficult" biting her tongue, especially following the infamous bed-flipping incident, saying that racism is still "prevalent" today.
The Vote Breakdown (No. 1)
McCrae - Candice
Aaryn - Candice
Helen - Candice
Jessie - Candice
Elissa - Candice
Andy - Candice
Judd - Candice
The HOH/POV Competitions
Following Candice's eviction, a question-based competition called "Summer School" helped crown the next HOH: Aaryn.
Who did she nominate? As she explained in her brief nomination speech, through a group decision, she put up Spencer and Jessie.
In the "Nailed It" POV competition, Aaryn won, making a shocking decision by saving Jessie and putting up the likable Judd Daughtery in her place.
The Vote Breakdown (No. 2)
Amanda - Judd
McCrae - Judd
GinaMarie - Judd
Andy - Judd
Helen - Judd
Elissa - Judd
Jessie - Judd
By a unanimous vote, Judd — wearing that now-famous bear shirt — was voted out of the house in the double eviction in what could be the season's first big game move of the season. "The good old blindside!" Judd said in his post-eviction interview with Chen.
The Jury Twist
"Just because you're on the jury doesn't necessary mean you're out of the game," Chen teased. What could this possibly mean?
Are you happy with the two evicted houseguests?
Big Brother next airs Sunday at 8 p.m. on CBS.
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