‘Big Brother 15’: Ninth Houseguest Evicted, Juror Re-Enters Game

Whose Big Brother game came to an end?

[Warning: Spoilers ahead from Thursday's eviction episode.]

With the game winding down, Thursday's live episode of Big Brother was a crucial one. The ninth houseguest (and fourth jury member) was evicted from the game, and unfortunately the move wasn't shocking. But, with a jury member returning to the house for the first time ever, things got interesting.

PHOTOS: 'Big Brother 15': Meet the Houseguests

After current Head of Household Aaryn Gries failed to follow through with a proposed plan to backdoor powerhouse Amanda Zuckerman (they're part of a four-member 3 A.M. alliance), Helen Kim and pawn Spencer Clawson were up on the nomination block. Helen saw Spencer being put up on the block as a potential crack that she could use to keep herself safe this week. Helen proposed to Aaryn and GinaMarie Zimmerman that they could work together, along with Elissa Slater, to form their own four-member alliance. Helen attempted to try to get to Andy Herren, who Helen was waffling on, and McCrae Olson, but her efforts came up unsuccessful.

The Vote Breakdown

McCrae - Helen
Amanda - Helen
Elissa - Spencer
Andy - Helen
GinaMarie - Helen

By a vote of 4-1, Helen was evicted from the Big Brother house. "I've been questioning Andy's loyalty over the last few weeks," Helen told Julie Chen in her post-eviction interview. And when asked by Chen why she didn't target Amanda sooner when she had the opportunity, Helen admitted that the paranoia in the house drove her to believe that Judd Daughtery was far more dangerous than Amanda — who never won a competition. Helen admitted that she would have voted out Amanda the first time she was put on the block had she been given another shot at the game. When Chen broke the news that she would have the chance to fight for a shot, her face was of pure elation.

The Jury/HOH Competition

First footage from the jury house was also shown with Candice Stewart, Judd and Jessie Kowalski fact-checking what happened in the house. When Chen broke the news to the houseguests about the jury twist, the remaining seven players were shocked. Seconds later, Helen, Candice, Judd and Jessie were let back into the house as they prepared to compete.

In a combined jury/HOH competition, called "Off the Wall," balls will be thrown at each houseguest and juror. The first person in either competition to catch 10 balls without falling would win. If a juror is the first to catch two balls without falling, s/he will also be the new HOH.

The competition will be a lengthy one so the story will be updated if/when the new HOH is crowned and when the juror returns.

Big Brother next airs Sunday at 8 p.m. on CBS.

E-mail: Philiana.Ng@THR.com
Twitter: @insidethetube

Philiana Ng