These Reviews Of The Life-Size Iron Throne Replica Are The Best Thing Ever

Jon Snow, the Dark Lord Sauron, and the Fresh Prince of Bel Air all weigh in on their latest purchase.

THIS JUST IN: You can now buy a life-size Iron Throne replica from HBO.

THIS JUST IN: You can now buy a life-size Iron Throne replica from HBO.

We're pretty sure it's not made of Valyrian steel, but still.


And get this: It only costs $30,000!

And get this: It only costs $30,000!

Lannisters sold separately.


OK, and shipping's also $1,800, but we're considering it an investment.

OK, and shipping's also $1,800, but we're considering it an investment.

Nobody will take you seriously ruling out of that broken office chair you found on the curb. Come on.


So without further ado...

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