A bittersweet day for a legendary butt.
Last Thanksgiving, Jets quarterback Mark Sanchez ran into offensive guard Brandon Moore's butt and fumbled. The Patriots returned the ball for a touchdown.
Source: s3-ec.buzzfed.com
It became known as the Butt Fumble because of how the one guy's butt caused the other guy to fumble. And the Jets, especially Sanchez, were a real mess last year so the play conveniently symbolized their season.
Source: s3-ec.buzzfed.com
Today NFL reporter and radio host Adam Caplan reported that Moore, and his butt, are set to retire.
Via: Nick Laham / Getty Images
Laffs aside, Moore started 142 games for the Jets — including 137 in a row — in a 10-year career, which is a dang impressive feat.
Via: Diamond Images / Getty Images