How To Keep Dyed Red Hair Actually Red

It’s one of the fastest-fading colors you can dye your hair. Here’s how to keep your (fake) redheadedness going strong FOREVER AND EVER.

Touch up your own roots.

Touch up your own roots.

It would be delightful if we lived in a world where we always had ample time and money to skip around the corner and hop into the friendly neighborhood hairdresser's chair. She'd gently massage your scalp and gossip conspiratorially about her boyfriend's sister before applying the perfect not-too-orange, not-too-purple concoction that the two of you developed over years of trial and error and torn-out magazine pictures of Scarlett Johansson during that one movie premiere. You'd emerge into the sunlight with your hair glowing as if lit from within by an inner flame.

But sadly, that world is not our own. SO: these drugstore root touch-ups are inexpensive, incredibly easy to use, and can blend in with tons of different brands of hair color (they're designed to mimic the way colored hair looks after three weeks of fading). The brush is fairly drip-proof, the dye doesn't smell terribly strong, and whether you dye your hair at home or go to a salon, this product can help extend time between full-on colorings by months, saving you time and money.


Glazes are your bro.

Glazes are your bro.

Roux makes a variety of masks to refresh a wide range of colors, including three different reds. These are great because they also condition (while glazes do add shine, they're still largely composed of dye, which can dry out your hair).


As are color depositing conditioners.

As are color depositing conditioners.

This tub of coppery goodness is the love of my life. It's definitely pricey but you don't need to use a ton of product to get noticeable results. It smells fantastic and adds a lovely cast to your hair; if you're feeling ~wild~ and have blonde hair or highlights, you can even use the more violet-based Red formulation to temporarily color it pink. Davines also makes matching shampoos, but personally I've found that using the conditioner once or twice a week works totally fine on its own.


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