Handicapable Kitten Won’t Let Her Differences Stop Her From Being THE CUTEST

She’s sassy, tough, and loves to snuggle.

This is Saltwater Taffy. She's pretty cute.

This is Saltwater Taffy. She's pretty cute.

Via: facebook.com

She has radial agenesis, a congenital condition that causes tendon contracture and possibly missing radial bones.

She has radial agenesis, a congenital condition that causes tendon contracture and possibly missing radial bones.

Via: facebook.com

She was found in Philadelphia, and her rescuers noticed right away that she had, as they put it, lobster claws.

She was found in Philadelphia, and her rescuers noticed right away that she had, as they put it, lobster claws.

Source: fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net

She and her siblings were rescued by ACCT Philly.

She and her siblings were rescued by ACCT Philly.

The Animal Care & Control Team of Philadelphia, that is! Check them out here.

Via: facebook.com

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