Truth rating: 10
10:22 am, July 3rd, 2013

CBS is distancing itself from the “Big Brother” cast after several of this season’s stars made racist and homophobic comments on the show’s live internet feeds.
The network released a statement late Tuesday in response to an online firestorm that erupted as the list of controversial remarks grew to more than a dozen.
Among the incendiary comments at issue are GinaMarie calling welfare “n****r insurance,” Aaryn referring to gay contestant Andy as a “queer,” and Spencer calling Andy “Kermit the F*g” while also referring to women as “c**ts.”
Other comments included praising Hitler for his speaking abilities, telling the Asian Helen to “Shut up. Go make some f**king rice,” and, saying the sheets smelled bad because “black Candice” was on them.
In response, CBS says:
“Big Brother is a reality show about watching a group of people who have no privacy 24/7 — and seeing every moment of their lives. At times, the Houseguests reveal prejudices and other beliefs that we do not condone. We certainly find the statements made by several of the Houseguests on the live Internet feed to be offensive. Any views or opinions expressed in personal commentary by a Houseguest appearing on Big Brother, either on any live feed from the House or during the broadcast, are those of the individual(s) speaking and do not represent the views or opinions of CBS or the producers of the program.”
While the comments will likely be edited out of the televised broadcasts, the fallout has already cost Aaryn her modeling contract with Zephyr Talent, which has announced it’s dropping her from the agency.
“Big Brother,” which premiered in 2000, is currently in its 15th season.
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