"Big Brother 15" cast
Who will be the third houseguest evicted from Big Brother?
[Warning: Spoilers ahead from Thursday's eviction episode.]
After the power in the house shifted from the "Mean Girls" to the majority of the house through Helen Kim's Head of Household win, the plan to backdoor Jeremy McGuire became a possibility. With the help of Elissa Slater's third straight Big Brother MVP win, the plan became that much more of a reality. After Kaitlin Barnaby took herself off the block following her Power of Veto win, her "showmance" partner Jeremy was thus put on the block. The move wasn't shocking — and Jeremy knew it.
PHOTOS: 'Big Brother 15': Meet the 16 Houseguests
So who will follow Nick out the door following an "eye-opening" week in the house: Spencer, Aaryn or Jeremy? Aaryn had an interesting perspective on things, whining about how the house targeted Jeremy because he's a "winner." But isn't that a good strategy? Jeremy attempted to gain some favor with the houseguests — including dressing up as a baby and trying to team up with Helen and Elissa — but it didn't work. "You win too much," Amanda Zuckerman said. From the looks of it, he's done. Jeremy isn't the only one trying to win over her housemates. Aaryn Gries also ingratiated herself with the group.
When the votes were read by Julie Chen, Jeremy — the target since the beginning — was evicted with 9 votes.
The GinaMarie Prank
In a comedic moment, the houseguests pulled a prank on GinaMarie Zimmerman who kept items from Nick Uhas — including a cereal box and his beloved blue hat. Her reaction was priceless, in more ways than one. When she realized Nick's stuff is missing from her room, the New Yorker breaks down. "It's not fair! Anybody? Please!" GinaMarie pleads with the houseguests before Amanda finally decides to own up to the prank — the reaction not exactly what Aaryn wanted to see.
The Odd Couple
McCrae Olson (a pizza delivery boy) and Amanda (a high-end real estate agent) have to be the unlikeliest coupling on Big Brother this season and in a segment, the show explored just how odd of a duo they are featuring interviews with both of their families.
Following the segment, Chen teased that America would have "more power than ever before." What could that mean? (More on that later.)
The Vote Breakdown
Candice - Jeremy
Andy - Jeremy
Howard - Jeremy
Elissa - Jeremy
Kaitlin - Spencer
GinaMarie - Jeremy
Amanda - Jeremy
McCrae - Jeremy
Jessie - Jeremy
Judd - Jeremy
And just like that, Jeremy's game is finished. Chen asked if his cockiness was part of his downfall and he admitted that it played a major role. "I walked out with my head high. I won everything. I didn't throw anything. I played to the fullest. Yeah, I need to humble down obviously. Kaitlin slowed me down," he said. Jeremy was extremely honest in his post-eviction interview, saying that he had to work on some things outside of the house — both physically and internally. When asked about exploring a relationship with Kaitlin outside of the house, he said: "I sure hope so."
About that tease earlier: This week's Big Brother MVP will be America, giving viewers the power to decide who should be the third person put on the block.
The new HOH was crowned following a game called "Big Brother Royalty" based on questions that America voted on. The new HOH is Judd.
Who do you think Judd should nominate for eviction now that he is the new HOH? What are your thoughts on the disclaimer staying put? Who should America put on the nomination block this week?
Big Brother next airs 8 p.m. Sunday on CBS.
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