‘Big Brother 15’: Second Houseguest Evicted After Last-Minute Flip

Big Brother's schedule change gave the houseguests an extra day this week to ruminate on who to evict — and they certainly took advantage.

[Warning: Spoilers ahead from Thursday's eviction episode.]

In retaliation for the "surprise" eviction of David Girton, Head of Household Aaryn Gries nominated Helen Kim and easy scapegoat Elissa Slater for eviction. Elissa, once again crowned Big Brother MVP, made a bold move targeting Moving Company member Jeremy McGuire, who pulled himself off the block after winning the power of veto. Elissa replaced him with fellow alliance member Nick Uhas.

PHOTOS: 'Big Brother 15': Meet the 16 Houseguests

So who will follow David out the door: Helen, Elissa or Nick? (It's safe to assume Helen isn't going anywhere.) For much of the week, the majority of the house was set on evicting Elissa but Wednesday, things suddenly shifted. Moving Company member McCrae Olson defected from the group's plan to boot Elissa — after learning they were targeting his closest ally Amanda Zuckerman next. Instead, he decided to end "the boys alliance" for good by sending Nick out the door. The ripple effect was impressive: The votes to ensure Elissa's safety were being shored up right until the live eviction.

When the votes ultimately came down, Nick — once thought to have a good chance of staying — was evicted with seven votes.

Aaryn's Controversial Remarks Addressed

Host Julie Chen addressed Aaryn, asking if she forgets that the cameras are around filming 24/7. "I don't forget," she said. "I am a very open person. Everyone who's here knows a lot about me and America does now." Chen replied: "Yes, we all do." (Some audience reaction could be heard coming through.)

CBS showed more of Aaryn's controversial comments, broadcasting a conversation she had in the HOH bathroom joking that the "fish tank is segregated" because the black fish stayed at the bottom while the white fish went to the top. "It never feels good," houseguest Howard Overby said, adding: "When you add the element of dislike to it, it's not joking anymore." Howard even alluded that Aaryn's game play may be derailed and make people want to kick her out.

Amanda spoke to Aaryn one-on-one in the HOH room, warning her to "be mindful" of her offensive remarks. "That's the most obnoxious, annoying thing I've ever heard," she said. ... "It's the biggest joke." "They call me Barbie and all sorts of shit about me being blonde all the time, so what's the difference?"

The Vote Breakdown

Jeremy - Elissa
Kaitlin - Elissa
Andy - Nick
GinaMarie - Elissa
Judd - Nick
Spencer - Nick
Jessie - Nick
Howard - Elissa
McCrae - Nick
Amanda - Nick
Candice - Nick

"What is going your brain right now?" Chen said following Nick's shocking eviction. "Spencer probably turned on me," Nick said outside the house. (Spencer did.) "You're super right," Chen confirmed. Nick put his trust in "a select few people" and that was that. "I don't even know if it needs to be a thing anymore," Nick said of the future of the Moving Company. The crazy thing is that his suspicions were spot on, alluding to the fact that other houseguests, like Amanda, were already aware of a boys alliance.

New HOH  

The new HOH competition, a memory game based on items they saw in the middle of the night, and it came down to a second tie-breaker question. From the block to the most powerful position, Helen is the new HOH.


Who do you think Helen should nominate for eviction and do you think Elissa should win Big Brother MVP for a third week in a row?

Big Brother next airs 8 p.m. Sunday on CBS.

E-mail: Philiana.Ng@THR.com
Twitter: @insidethetube

Philiana Ng