‘Big Brother 15’: Kaitlin Barnaby on Her Eviction and ‘Mean Girl’ Perception

In this season of Big Brother's first unanimous vote, Kaitlin Barnaby was the fourth houseguest evicted this summer.

The 23-year-old Minnesota native was on people's list from the onset due to her alliance with Aaryn Gries, GinaMarie Zimmerman, David Girton and Jeremy McGuire — the latter of which she was closest to and had a "showmance" with. Called the Blondetourage, her side would find itself at the center of many controversies and explosive moments, like Aaryn's infamous bed-flipping or derogatory remarks at other houseguests' expense, prompting the other side to band together to successfully pick off her alliance members one by one.

PHOTOS: 'Big Brother 15': Meet the 16 Houseguests

With her "showmance" and closest ally evicted the previous week and the other side in power with Judd Daughtery as Head of Household, it seemed Barnaby was not the original target. But as she found out Thursday, things change on a dime in the Big Brother house.

In the fourth post-eviction interview with THR, Barnaby discusses why she left the house over perceived bigger threat Aaryn, Aaryn's secret deal, the Mean Girl perception and her odd response about her future with Jeremy in her post-eviction interview with Julie Chen.

The Hollywood Reporter: What were the first thoughts going through your head when you realized you would be leaving the house?

Kaitlin Barnaby: It comes down to it just being a game. I definitely was a hard competitor, so I think it was fair enough. If I was in their position I would do the same thing.

THR: What do you think led to your eviction?

Barnaby: It definitely was hard being on the block with two closest people in the house. I think it really came down to Aaryn was technically alone at that point and not as much of a threat as I was. I came close in every HOH and I was kind of a wild card. No one knew necessarily what I was going to do if I got HOH.

STORY: 'Big Brother 15': Fourth Houseguest Evicted After Landslide Vote

THR: Did you entertain the thought of throwing a few competitions?

Barnaby: It was never my intention to throw anything. I came in to this house ready to play in these competitions and that's exactly what I did.

THR: Do you think you should have?

Barnaby: I don't have any regrets at all. To be honest with you, I was shocked I even won the veto because none of us got to watch what everyone was doing and I thought I did a terrible job. [Laughs] I really came out on top on that one surprisingly.

THR: Was there anything you could have done to have avoided eviction?

Barnaby: Probably not. I didn’t even know Aaryn was campaigning against me.

THR: Did you have any idea that Aaryn made a deal with Helen [Kim]? (Aaryn agreed that she would either throw the HOH competition, or, if she won, she would put up who Helen and Elissa Slater wanted. Aaryn ended up winning the HOH.)

Barnaby: No, I had no clue until this morning. I have learned the details. I am not shocked at all and Aaryn is a hard social player and she wants to stay in the game. I was surprised.

THR: What could you have done or said?

Barnaby: I thought that they trusted me in the sense that I would put up who they wanted. It would have been the same deal [that Aaryn made] and Aaryn was the bigger threat.

THR: Do you think it was a good move by the house to keep Aaryn around longer?

Barnaby: The fact that they kept her instead of me, I hope she finds a way to stay in that house — for karma.

THR: You seemed surprised when Julie said that you, Aaryn and GinaMarie were viewed as the Mean Girls. Could you have distanced yourself from that?

Barnaby: I knew the both of them were extremely catty and I was very sweet to everyone else. Even when Aaryn and GinaMarie would say mean things, I stuck up to them. [I was] guilty by association and that’s why I’m considered a Mean Girl.

THR: You seemed uncomfortable with some of the derogatory comments Aaryn and GinaMarie made toward other houseguests, but you rarely spoke out against it. Why?

Barnaby: I didn’t want to step on any toes. There were times when I stuck up for things. I think they should have known what they were saying was mean. It sucks that I’m connected [to it] but I really didn’t say anything horrible. I’m an awkward person so I awkwardly laugh through it.

THR: While you were in the house, did you have an idea of how your group was perceived on the outside?

Barnaby: You didn’t really know what’s going on in the house even when you’re living in it.

THR: Knowing what you know now, who would you have teamed up with instead?

Barnaby: I would have probably have stuck around more with Helen and Andy [Herren], definitely. Amanda [Zuckerman] and McCrae [Olson] would always be on their own. I don’t think they trust anyone else. [I would team with] Elissa, Helen, Andy and Candice [Stewart]. I went into the game wanting to be a very loyal player and I made the mistake of giving Aaryn my loyalty on Day 2. Crossing over to the other side of the house was going to be difficult.

THR: In a recent episode, it showed you, Spencer [Clawson], Howard [Overby], GinaMarie and Judd seemingly forming an alliance. Was that real?

Barnaby: In my mind, it was not a real alliance. I was more or less talking with them. I just wanted the numbers. I didn’t really trust any of them and it was difficult in that situation. I was the underdog … I needed the numbers around me once Jeremy left.

THR: Let's talk about Jeremy. Did the thought cross your mind that the other houseguests may see you as the next logical target once Jeremy was out the door because of how close you guys were?

Barnaby: At first I didn’t think that. The fact that I used the veto to take myself down and he was put up in my place …when I was put up as a pawn, I thought I was

THR: You made some interesting comments when asked about the future with Jeremy in your interview with Julie. Can you explain your response?

Barnaby: I was more or less upset coming out of the house. I will continue to talk to him. We do live states away. We will keep our options open.

THR: Who do you believe is in a good position?

Barnaby: I hope that Helen or McCrae win all the way. I hope Helen wins it over McCrae.

Big Brother next airs 8 p.m. Sunday on CBS.

E-mail: Philiana.Ng@THR.com
Twitter: @insidethetube

Philiana Ng