After public outcry over several Big Brother houseguests' racial, homophobic and misogynistic comments, CBS aired a segment showing a few of the worst offenders on the July 7 episode — specifically Aaryn Gries and GinaMarie Zimmerman's "derogatory remarks."
PHOTOS: 'Big Brother 15': Meet the 16 Houseguests
CBS showed statements Gries made behind houseguest Helen Kim's back, telling Kaitlin Barnaby that Kim — who is Asian-American — should "go make some rice," to which Barnaby responded, "That is rude." Other Gries comments included: "I look, probably, like a squinty Asian right now," a "queer" comment directed at Andy Herren and one targeting Candice Stewart.
Zimmerman was also highlighted with a comment regarding Stewart's race.
Houseguest Howard Overby said in the diary room: "Even if these comments are made in fun, they still hurt and are disrespectful, especially when that person isn't there to hear it and back themselves up."
STORY: 'Big Brother 15': Third Houseguest Criticized by Employer Over Offensive Remarks
Big Brother is a fickle game where every move can be cause for eviction. Though there are houseguests — in this episode, Overby and Amanda Zuckerman voiced their distaste — who aren't OK with the remarks being made, it may not be good game play to confront the culprits.
The decision came after CBS faced increased pressure from viewers and subscribers of the uncensored 24-hour live feeds on to address the cast's comments, which has cost two houseguests their jobs and an employer of another to distance itself from its employee.
The July 3 episode, the first live eviction of the season, did not address the statements in the house, with host Julie Chen only mentioning that the group's "true colors" are coming out.
The current 15th season includes a new twist — the Big Brother MVP — which asks viewers to vote for the "best player," who then has the power to nominate a third person for eviction. By broadcasting some of the houseguests' insensitive comments made at the expense of others, it may better inform viewers of who they vote for.
Big Brother next airs 8 p.m. Wednesday on CBS.
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