15 Things About The Telephone You Will (Probably) Never Experience Again

Remember *69? I can’t believe that existed.

Landlines. There's seriously no reason to have one. If you still have one, are you using it as a decor statement?

Landlines. There's seriously no reason to have one. If you still have one, are you using it as a decor statement?

Source: giphy.com

Screen a call on your answering machine.

Screen a call on your answering machine.

Do young people even know what "screening a call" is?!

Wait for a couple minutes for the tape on your answering machine to rewind before listening to your messages. If you're standing there for a while, you got mad messages.

Wait for a couple minutes for the tape on your answering machine to rewind before listening to your messages. If you're standing there for a while, you got mad messages.

Source: inlovewiththeideaofyou.tumblr.com

Dial *69 to find out who last called you.

Dial *69 to find out who last called you.

Source: theuntz.com

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